Thai Green Curry

Ermerged it’s already April. I’ve gotten super lazy with documenting my cooking lately…today was a purely no-study Saturday so I finally cooked up a more complicated recipe I’ve been trying to find time to do…Thai Green Curry! It tasted nothing like the green curries I’ve had before, but it tasted Thai, and it tasted delicious, so here it is!

The shining star of this recipe were the locally grown kaffir lime leaves I got from the Ridge-to-Reef Farm. Most farms on this island are typical show up and buy what you see farms. Ridge-to-Reef is a tad more complicated. You order the specific items you want on their ordering page, and then you pick up and pay at a designated location and time. I’ve been eyeing the kaffir lime leaves since the day I stumbled upon their webpage last year – so happy I finally got to use them and I’m so happy with how fresh they were! I froze the remaining few leaves, and I’ve already put in 2 more orders with Ridge-to-Reef yay~ **My first experience with kaffir lime leaves was in Thailand during a cooking class where we made tom yum soup…not to toot my own horn but that was probably the best tom yum soup I’ve ever had. (all the ingredients and instructions were provided by the class so I’m not really tooting my own horn anyway.)

This recipe involved making a curry paste out of kaffir lime leaves, green onions, basil, garlic, shrimp paste, cayenne pepper, fish sauce, brown sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, lime juice, and coconut milk. Then I stir-fried the onions, chicken, bell pepper, and a little bit of the curry paste. After those all melded together, I added the remainder of the paste, and diluted it down with coconut milk. My edits: I found the recipe too sour so I added a heaping tablespoon of brown sugar, and it wasn’t quite fragrant enough so I added lemongrass to simmer and two Thai chilies (seeds removed so that I don’t have fiery shits). Probably one of the top 5 things I’ve learned to make, I call that a good Saturday! Recipe link:

Note to self: a food chopper is NOT a food processor -___-;;

liquid gold portion of the curry sauce
all the fresh greens from this morning’s farmer’s market
locally grown kaffir lime leaves!
Jayden watching all the yumminess


tasted much better than it looks here

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